速報APP / 健康塑身 / Automatic Diet Creator

Automatic Diet Creator





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:San José, Costa Rica, 10102

Automatic Diet Creator(圖1)-速報App

MacroFitness Diet Creator is your personal nutritionist in your own pocket that will allow you to calculate the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates you need to consume per day according to your personal characteristics, as well as according to the level of physical activity that you do to create a minimalist diet.

It´s the Perfect complement for all those apps that allows you to control your macros and what you eat during the day.

Automatic Diet Creator(圖2)-速報App

You can create and save as many diets as you want, so you can make a diet for each day of the week or for each specific objective.

You will have the advantage of being able to consume the amount of nutrients in the most accurate way possible according to your goals, either to lose weight, which will allow you to reduce measures with greater control and accuracy, ideal for when you are in the stage of fat loss and Definition what will make you look great, or simply if you want to lose some sizes.

Automatic Diet Creator(圖3)-速報App

Otherwise if your goal is to gain weight and gain muscle mass you can adjust your own diet for those stages of muscle building. And of course, it is ideal for those who want to maintain their weight, but eating in a healthier way.

With MacroFitness Diet Creator you won´t only be able to create your own diet step by step but it will give you the option to create a diet in an automated way and you only need to introduce your personal characteristics and with a single click you will have a unique diet for you.

Automatic Diet Creator(圖4)-速報App

This app is ideal not only for those who want to eat healthier, but also for athletes and even personal trainers who want to provide their customers with a diet plan that allows them to achieve their fitness goals more quickly and effectively.

The cost of the app is a symbolic in order to continue creating applications for the community.

Automatic Diet Creator(圖5)-速報App